24 Feb 2012


Girls like clothes.
Girls like cheap clothes.
Girls like cheap/free clothes.
+ Girls love hot expensive designer clothes for small prices. Or free.
What can I say we genuinely do. 

So as I was browsing on my twitter I discovered a few retweets by tessa: @
couturelust, with a very lovely offer. Join Edition01 today for you and a friend to win a $3000 shopping spree.
Yes I know the offer is listed in dollars but still! So me being me I joined.
Turns out this is a very reasonable website; brands like Peter Pilotto, Narciso Rodrigeuz, even Vera Wang, at smaller prices. I say smaller but still not affordable for me. 
Soo that's where their recommending tool comes in.

Invite your friends to join Edition01 and they will get $100 towards their first purchase

01/ Founding Member

Earn $100 credit when 10 friends join.
 02/ Influencer
Earn $150 credit when 25 friends join. ($250 total credit)
03/ Ambassador
Earn $250 credit when 50 friends join. ($500 total credit)
Bonus Reward
$100 credit when a friend makes first $150 purchase within 90 days.

Whats not to love!
 Visit the following link 
and sign up!! 


Sophh Elizabeth

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