26 Feb 2012

Sophh's Nan post of the weeeeek.

This area is to be dedicated for my Nan. Legend. If I could clone her and hand her out to all people for adoption I genuinely would.

I love the girl.
I do.
Anyway here's her review/ moan on a few products. Take them as seriously or as not seriously as you wish :)
Cliniques deep comfort body wash.

Rating out of 5: 3/5
General Opinion: "would like a little smell"
"not what I would call luxurious, but what do I know, I'm an old girl, with my grandaughter who keeps cuddling and kissing me, because she loves me."
What can I say I do. Please note she did complain about how much it 'didnt' smell she likes a good smell bless her. Her friend bought her this by the way, not her. My nan doesnt buy expensive products. Fact :')

Ponds anti aging cream?
Rating out of 5: 2/5 (barely)
General opinion: "not alot" She says she hasnt used the product all that much, so she cannot rate it much. However for what it says it is, she isnt a big fan. 

Bristows conditioning hold
Rating out of 5: 4.5/5
General Opinion:  "good holding power, but is a job to wash out. Smells alright, makes everyone cough though... Does the job"
I prefer L'oreal or Wella Shockwaves Ultra Strong Power Hold Hairspray 250ml

Big fan, big fan :)

Who else has a Nan, who is a tad mental, but adorable?

Sophh Elizabeth.


xxyy said...

hahah, love this post.xx


Dani said...

definitely have to try out the L'oreal hair spray!

btw your nan look super sweet:)

Laura Jane said...

Gotta love nans! Love your blog, I'm following now :) Feel free to check out mine!

Laura x
Petit Chatons

QuiteQuaint said...

this is such a great idea for a post!! i love the way grandparents describe all the crazy stuff us youths have!!

Miss Fashiogger said...

Your Nan is adorable!!! And her reviews are funny!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog Luv!

Miss F

Unknown said...

Absolutley love this blog post! Love your nans views!

Just followed your blog

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Lovely blog! I follow you.Would you like to follow me back?

Beabarella said...

Actually want to steal your nana she is adorable!!!

Mwwwah! Love Bea @ http://beabarella.blogspot.com