28 Mar 2012

Awwwwdammnn you got me.

Dearrr people. 
I got tagged. Havent been on that website in ageees, did make me laugh though
the amount of weird/lovely people you meet.
One person told me to go onto some womens underwear site, and pick out a few pieces.
I did anyway turns out he wanted to know so he could wear them..

Back to this, my dear friend Faye at Fayes Fancies (heres her post on the matter) tagged me in her post - so I can do the same, giving you 11 facts about me, answering 11 questions, and make up 11 questions for people to answer...

 I am going to cheat a bit here, instead of tagging people I'll just allow you guys to comment! 
Please answer or this might be a bit awkward, you can even go anon if you wish! Thats how generous I'm being here!

Soo heres my 11 things about me you might not/do not know..

  1. It was confirmed the other week I am relatively curvy, with a hour-glass figure.
    Girl got a bit of junk in her trunk.
  2. I'm a swimming teacher/swimmer. And a lifeguard.
  3. I'm in my second first year of college. (Had to resit, due to ill health)
  4. I may have a wheat/dairy allergy. Goodbye chocolate. Goodbye cake.
  5. When my cat bites me it means she loves me. Same when she scratches me.
  6. I love older music way too much. Seriously don't speak is amazing.As is Cant fight the moonlight, and torn. 90's GIRL FOREVER.
  7. I always wonder if there's something wrong with me/the way I think.
     There isnt a way of proving I think like a normal person. Need to know.
  8. I have a massive fear (seriously think about it everyday),
    that I wont be able to have children/ do have endometriosis.
     For those who dont know what it is look here (website on endometriosis)
  9. I have a fear of being alone. Not physically alone, but mentally alone.
  10. Despite cleansing toning and moisturising, my face has a tendancy of looking like a pizza. Ew.
  11. My nicknames are; Soph, It, Oi, thing, wonderwoman, sofa, and fairy/pixie. I sound like one apparently. Oh and sneeze like one too.

Questions from Faye
  1. Favourite beauty product?
    Would have to be Revlons Photoready makeup. Or Maxfactors false lash effect waterproof mascara. Both work wonders..
  2. Favourite film?
    .. I kinda dont have one. Its terrible. I like alll films, from horrors, to comedies and romances.
  3. Favourite food?Chinese. Anything chinese. Except seaweed.
  4. Costa or starbucks?
  5. favourite animal?
    Again I don't have a favourite. I like ducks and sheep and lions and llamas and pigs and cats and dogs and chickens and horses and cows and zebras and giraffes.. And UNICORNS. True fact.
  6. Any pets?
    Cat. Errgh.
  7. Any piercings or tatoos, or any you'd like to get?
    Ears, but I think they're closing up.. Considering a tattoo but I dont like the idea of them going saggy when you get older..
  8. Any phobias?
    Feet. And mouths. And the sound of scraping ceramics. Makes me gag.
  9. Favourite shop?
    I dont have a favourite. I like all shops. And shopping.
  10. Favourite pair of heels?
    ... I dont have a favourite :'( I want a pair of Christian Louboutins. And Choos. 
  11. A place you'd love to visit?

And my questions.

1. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
2. Favourite tv programme?
3. Favourite beauty brand?
4. Favourite shop?
5. Whatcha wanna do when your all grown up?
6. Favourite current trend?
7. If you could own any designer item of clothing what would it be? Includes    accesories, and shoes.
8. Your happiest when...?
9. Favourite activity?
10. Where to you want to live when your settled down?
11. What is on your bucket list - things to do before you kick the bucket?
Answer Pleaase!


And now theres more chicas!!
Since I was tagged by the lovely Courtney at Courtney--xo I thought I may add the answers to her questions at the bottom! Soo here we are my lovelies;

1. What is your favourite place to shop?Anywhere! Seriously all the capital cities of the world, have both designer and the amazing one-off shops - And I like shopping online too! Some retailers dont have a store, so its worth a rummage around online!
Oh and not forgetting vintage stores... We like them too <3

2. Do you have a 'getting ready ritual/routine' and if so, what is it? 
Shower, Cleanser/tone/moisturise, faketan (only occasionaly on nights out..), hair, makeup, get dressed!
3. What is your most expensive purchase?

Wish I had an answer to this but I genuinly do not know! Camera maybe?
4. What is your least expensive purchase?

Probably my sunglasses I got from a charity shop - 50p and are genuinely amazing!
5. What makeup item is most important to you?

Lately it has to be my Revlon photoready foundation (in shell). Works wonders.6. What is your favourite item of clothing?
I dont have one. Wish I did to be honest..7. Do you have a favourite brand of makeup?
Nope! I like Mac, Urban Decay, Revlon and Maxfactor.. 8. What is your favourite colour to wear?
I dont knoow! Lately I am a big fan of pastels though..9. What item of clothing is your most recently purchased?
Today, a cute pair of lace shorts from Primark!
10. What makeup item did you most recently purchase?
17 Pressed Powder in Neutral11. If you had one chance to buy any beauty product, no matter the price, what would it be?
One that perfects your skin instantly, blushes and adds mascara.. Yup.

Much thanks to Courtney at Courtney-- xo!

Sophh Elizabeth


Chloe Lee said...

1. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?: Pixie
2. Favourite tv programme? Don't Tell The Bride, although currently it's the Tube.
3. Favourite beauty brand? Benefit
4. Favourite shop? H&M
5. Whatcha wanna do when your all grown up? Hopefully a successful wedding/fashion photographer.
6. Favourite current trend? Pastels! Although Im too pake to attempt them myself!
7. If you could own any designer item of clothing what would it be? Includes accesories, and shoes.: Probably a Mulberry bag of some sorts!
8. Your happiest when...? I'm taking photos/making props
9. Favourite activity? Photography :)
10. Where to you want to live when your settled down? Somewhere around Bristol, I'm pretty settled now, I'd just like somewhere slightly bigger so I could have a pretty desk and home studio.
11. What is on your bucket list - things to do before you kick the bucket? I don't really have a bucket list I don't think, I just take each day as it comes.

Chloe x

Faye's Fancies said...

aww you did my tag :') xox

simplyjustnatalie said...

I have given you the blogger appreciation award!
